About Me

My photo
Gilmer, Texas, United States
I'm just this guy, you know? I am not a number, I am a free man. I'm one of a kind, but not the last of my kind. You can hold me, thrill me, kiss me or kill me, but only once.


Here you'll find links to other sites that I like. You won't necessarily like them too, but hey: you won't know until you click on 'em.

That Guy With the Glasses -- If you've seen anything at Holy Toaster, chances are you're familiar with Doug Walker and his menagerie of crazy characters. That Guy With the Glasses is the granddaddy of this kind of thing. We're pretty good, but he's a lot more famous. Check him out. Especially the Nostalgia Critic!

The Spoony Experiment -- Spoony is affiliated with That Guy With the Glasses, but I reckon he deserves his own link. From scathing reviews to uncomfortable morning-after sketches, Noah Antwiler is easily my favorite of the online webasode guys.

LPcomics -- One Day is an ongoing web comic written and illustrated by locals Lee Parker and Steven Lemoine respectively. Check it out!